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Parquet Floor

Parquet floor...need I say more!? Inspiration was found on Pinterest and I thought...hmm...might as well try it with popsicle sticks!

Step one was to measure the living room (left) and entry way (right) The formal dining room will follow (bottom right.) Ok, so Poppi likes to quote, "measure twice, cut once." While working in the evening after a day with the kidos, I measured 18 times and cut 25 times :D Ok, so I didn't actually count but after much finesse the tag board was the perfect size. At that point I could take the tag board upstairs and work on the pattern in the comfort of the living room with Hubby! Yay!

For ease I worked in two sections. This is the living room section. Each piece of popsicle stick is 1 and a half inches long. I simply nipped the sticks to the correct size and ran the rough edge over some sand paper. Voila. Then I worked on one pattern square at a time and held down the sticks with a heavy book. I selected Gorilla Glue for the project. Oh Gorilla Glue, you are my friend.

Oooh how FUN it was to paint the accents!

...yes...I did that...couldn't resist...

Yay! Gorilla Glue strikes again!

Above you will see my specially selected weights! Chocolate frosting is motivation for Sundays. One victory down (literally) and on to the entry!

VOILA! The next post will show how to finish the parquet floor!

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