It hit the floor!
Well...the big day came. Poppi arrived with 6 cleats and some hook and eye latches. Armed with a glue gun and my new Christmas drill we got to work!
Poppi started by gluing a cleat to the inside of the foundation. Then he drilled holes and installed the hook and eye system.
Note: The big kids helped prep the kitchen floor (white.) We all sponge painted watercolor paper and have been carefully started cutting them into bricks for the floor. That will come in a later post so stay tuned!)
Here is a close up view. As you can see I just started the parquet floor in the dining room. You will notice the "Italian Marble" column which has not been glued in yet. The floor will get finished, then wallpaper, followed by the column and stairs officially getting glued in place.
Let's zoom in to show you a few more items that were necessary to add during the building process. Note: if you haven't read previous posts, this Greenleaf Garfield Kit has been built in two pieces! (Cough* I didn't read the dimensions. When the house arrived my husband pointed out that it wouldn't make it up the basement stairs after being built. Wops! Thank goodness for Poppi!)
We added tabs to help support the floors until we have the columns in place. These were NECESSARY so the floors didn't sag, snap, crack, or any of those unpleasant things. They're simply little pieces of scrap glued on one side with hot glue melt. An exacto later will pop them right off.
Yes, the answer is yes. I DID highlight the house where the two pieces come together because...funny story...
One day I glued the house is funny now...and only because I managed to cut the pieces apart again...
Above is the glorious side of the house by the kitchen door! To the bottom left, where the stairs will eventually be, you will see the second hook and eye latch system. Poppi installed it in the same manner as the first. After it was in we stood back. Poppi gave the house a few gentile shakes and shimmies. It was decided that, by George, the house was solid enough with just the two latches!
At the time we had friends over to play. Excitement ensued as it was decided that the house was in a "ready to play state." The oldest two have been so thrilled to help with the project. We carefully moved the house to the floor, cleaned up the entire work area, laid down a beautiful snuggly rug and promptly covered it with a tablecloth (because let's face it...I'm not the most precise creature AND a lot of kids help with this project!) Then we moved the house onto the new lot! The oldest asked, "So how long do you think it will take to finish the project." I had no answer :D The fun has only just begun!